Helping Christians who are struggling to pivot when life doesn’t go as planned.

Hi, I’m Monica!

Welcome to The Joyful Unknown! I’m here to support my Christian sisters and brothers who are struggling to pivot when life takes an unexpected turn. I coach individuals and married couples to uncover the redemptive meaning in their struggles, helping them reconnect with their vocations and rediscover the joy of life.

As the creator of The Joyful Unknown and a Certified Life and Marriage Coach, my passion is to guide my clients from mere survival to a place where they can truly live and thrive. Over the past three years, I’ve dedicated myself to helping others transform their challenges into opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

Feeling stuck in survival mode?

Are worries about this next season of life overwhelming you?

Is stress taking a toll on your marriage?

Can you barely remember what it’s like to truly live, let alone thrive?

As a mom of a child with significant disabilities, I understand the immense sacrifices life sometimes asks of you. It’s natural to feel stressed and disheartened when facing challenging seasons and setbacks. But what if those very challenges could become the motivation for a purposefully joyful life.

We can’t control many things, but you do have the choice in how you want to respond to all of it. Let me help you transform your struggles into a path toward joy and fulfillment. Coaching with me you will discover you were made for such a time as this!

Discover the real joy that exists in the unknown today!

Coach with Monica



    Want to connect and see if we fit? Schedule a FREE 30-minute Consult Call and we can discern together the next steps.



    This coaching package includes 4 - 1hr coaching sessions, coaching in-take form, Life-Satisfaction Assessment, and is customized to fit your specific needs and goals.



    Wanna do a one-time coaching call with me? Book a 1-time 1-hour coaching call.

* If you're facing financial hardship, reduced rates are available. Just mention your situation on the booking form, and we’ll discuss options during your free consultation.

What People Are Saying...

  • “So grateful to work with Monica! She gives 110% and is so loving and patient! Monica is prayerful and inspiring and truly wants the best for you! She helped me to unveil some blind spots and start the beginning of a transformational journey! ”

    — Tricia C.

  • “With the help of Monica’s marriage coaching, our 10 year marriage has been reborn! She helped us find our ‘friendship’ that had been lost through becoming special needs parents. We have learned new strategies to communicate effectively, be open minded, and to simply laugh and enjoy our life together again. ”

    — Daniel & Stephanie H.

  • “Monica’s coaching helped me to put in motion projects I've been stalling on for years. I am so excited to see things finally moving! Monica is the best!” turn a hobby into something more

    — Grace A.