Lean In
Here we are, smack dab in the middle of the Lenten desert. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for it to be over. Me without my idols looks messy and cranky. As I lean into the discomfort, without trying to alleviate it with my usual buffer, I find something better is rising out of the mess that is me. Honesty.

Holy Interruption?
Lent is around the corner . . . Oh Oh, dramatic drumroll, dum, dum, DUM! Whether you personally observe the season of Lent, strong thoughts emerge around the term “holy sacrifice”? As Christians we are asked to pray and fast routinely to become better focused on Our Lord. But what is a truly holy sacrifice? How might the “snotty” interruptions of life fit into that sacrifice? Read on, friend . . .

On the Verge
To deny the difficulty of sustaining joy throughout a time of trial or deep suffering would be to deny reality. And what if your time of trial is not just a one-off experience, but an endless Job-like existence? Is joy even possible? What can we do to fight grief to have joy? I fully expect you will hate my answer. You don’t. Find out more . . .
Physical Battle Part II
Find out how surfing almost killed me and saved my life at the same time!
Our Head & Heart Became Friends
Katherine Dobbs, special needs mom and guest writer, will take us on her journey of maternal discernment. After becoming a parent to one child with medical complexities, how can she open heart to another child? What if this child has the same condition? Will she be able to withstand the pressures? Katherine bravely shares her struggle with this life-changing decision.

Resolution or Evolution
It’s only January 10th and you’ve already failed to keep your resolution!? But what if greatness doesn’t depend on grand achievement? What if staying right were you are gives you the best lasting results?

The Physical Battle Part I
The brain, a physical and bio-chemical marvel, needs just as much attention (maybe more) as the rest of your body! What is stopping you from getting your mental health check-up? The source of your joylessness could be physically “all in your head”.

The Spiritual Battle Part IV—Waiting
Where is God while you wait for your miracle? Learn how to stay joyful while you’re right smack in the middle of the meantime.

The Spiritual Battle Part III—Gratitude
What if you could beat the devil with gratitude? A simple way to win joy with out the drama!
The Spiritual Battle Part II
Prayer. Why it is essential to master in order to win joy daily!
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