Day 24 Us


Some research says that families with special needs children have a %90 divorce rate! Alarming. It’s obvious, something needs to change. Here’s what I propose: whether you have a child with special needs or not, your spouse and marriage should be your priority. Yes, that’s right—marriage first, child second. Sounds harsh, maybe even disordered. But in reality if your marriage is falling apart, your child(ren)will suffer the brunt of the consequences. The opposite is also true— if your marriage is flourishing, your child(ren) benefit! I am a child of divorce, so I speak from experience. (I am simplifying for the sake of brevity.) So with that said, how should couples proceed? The needs of our son, Caiden are vast. And many times, they have overshadowed our marriage. Most times, they have helped us grow in maturity and love. But when worry seeps into the mix and comes between us, communication and connection breaks down. Fear, instead of love, becomes the center of our home. In this 31-day challenge, I want to care for myself by also putting effort into my primary relationship. In doing so, I ensure a loving home and future for my son. How can you invest more time and care into your marriage?


Day 25 Progress is Slow


Day 23 All In