Day 31 Live Anyway!
Day 31! I can’t believe I actually did it! As I ran today I thought of what I might write to sum up the whole experience. What would be the ultimate message? I realize, for some of you, joy is elusive. I am even aware of how my mission of Joy may be irritating to some. That’s OK. I would have irritated myself not too long ago! But if for some strange reason my words have attracted you despite your better judgment, I want to encourage you to keep your eyes open. Even if joy seems impossible for you right now, tomorrow or any moment soon, it could be. So whatever circumstances you are facing at this moment, illness, depression, divorce, unemployment, abuse, anxiety, grief, ANYWAY! What do I mean by live? Simply do what comes next. One step at a time. If getting out of bed has been tough lately (I’ve been there), just put your feet on the ground and up you go. Then do what comes next. My point is life is precious even in the simple stuff. By merely choosing to live, rather than giving up, you are acknowledging that your life singularly matters. Even the mundane, everyday, you matter in that too! Now, what if you choose to make the most of each precious moment of life you are given? Then a space for joy is made and becomes possible...
It has been an honor having you on this journey with me. Your encouragement has meant the world to me! God bless you! And congrats to anyone who completed or attempted any form of this challenge!!! You did it!!!!